Questions for Kentucky Taxpayers

Q. What are the Notice Letters that I received?
A. The Kentucky notice letters were sent to inform the taxpayer that TLS’ investor client had purchased a delinquent tax bill.

Each notice letter informs the taxpayer of the following:

  1. The legal name of the purchaser
  2. The purchaser’s physical address
  3. The purchaser’s mailing address for payoffs
  4. The purchaser’s telephone number

The mailing address and payoff instructions are specific to each purchaser. If you do not have this information, please contact us.

Q. What is the best way to reference my delinquent tax bill when contacting you?
A. Please refer to the Client Claim Number, which is located on the Re: line of the notice letter you received.

The Client Claim Number is in the format 20XX-XXXXX-1XXXXX. The three parts correspond to (in order):

  • Four-digit Tax Bill Year
  • County-assigned Tax Bill Number
  • Six-digit TLS Stock Number

In order to ensure prompt service, we need all of the information to locate information about your tax bill. Please include the full Client Claim Number when contacting us.

Q. If I’ve tried to call and your phone lines are busy. How else can I get a payoff quote or get a call back?
A. You may leave an electronic request for a payoff amount by using our contact page. You may also call back and leave a voice mail message; we usually return all calls within one business day. Finally, you may send written correspondence by fax or by United States Postal Service. Contact information may be found on our contact page. One of our team members will return your inquiry as soon as possible.

Q. Once you receive my payoff, how is the lien released?
A. Upon receipt of your payoff check in the correct amount and form, the payment will be forwarded to our investor client. Once the investor has received the payoff, a lien release will be processed at the appropriate Kentucky County Clerk’s office.